
Why You Shouldn’t Bury a ‘Dead’ Hedgehog You Find in Winter

The winter season, cold and harsh, presents a carpet of seemingly lifeless creatures, including hedgehogs. However, this apparent absence of life could be a grave misunderstanding. Especially when it concerns hedgehogs, things may not be as they seem at face value. Let’s unravel this fascinating mystery.

Cherished for their unique appearance, hedgehogs, like other creatures, have evolved to endure harsh winters by hibernating from November to March. This clever adaptation, however, is increasingly challenged due to the decline in green spaces and wooded habitats.

Hedgehog in winter

The dwindling natural habitats force some hedgehogs to brave human habitations for refuge and warmth, often leading them to rest in unexpected spots like sidewalks or roadsides. Discerning the difference between hibernation and casualty is critical, yet not always easy.

When hedgehogs hibernate, their heart rate plummets, and the overall body functionality follows suit, imitating a near-death state, according to Love the Garden. Stumbling upon such a hedgehog, it’s vital for its survival that you ensure it is situated in a safe and warm corner capable of withstanding the lengthy five-month hibernation spell.

If you chance upon a hedgehog in your yard or on the bustling city sidewalks, here’s what you do: Arrange a warm, silent, and protected area within a cardboard box, cut a provision for entry, and provide a safe haven for this unassuming critter. Respecting their role in our ecosystem is significant as emphasized by STIDA; hedgehogs are not just harmless endangered species but also nature’s pest controllers, feasting on beetles, snails, frogs, lizards, snakes, and mouse nests.

Hedgehog closeup

One of nature’s fascinating creatures, the hedgehog, exhibits immunity to various potent toxins, including those from pesky insect bites, a phenomenon still being explored by scientists, states Tiny Tails to You. Amazingly, these creatures bravely tangle with bees and wasps, demolishing hornet nests and devouring their occupants without succumbing to their stinging defenses!

Preserving the ecosystem’s delicate balance hinges on our compassion and kindness towards these tiny creatures, particularly during the bitter winter months. By offering a safe refuge to these vulnerable beings, we do more than ensure their survival – we bolster the eco-balance our world depends on.

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