Rebecca Harding, age 33, revealed her non-invasive beauty routine via Instagram Stories that gives her those distinctive facial features we all admire. The beauty enthusiast and modelling powerhouse chronicled her indulgence in an array of treatments at Melbourne’s Skin To Heart aesthetic clinic, including a special $275 ‘LipLase’ procedure.
Sharing the aftereffects of her treatment, Harding’s radiant skin and fuller lips merely underscored her satisfaction with the results. Her caption hinted at her mild discomfort, explaining her face might appear “bit red and splotchy for a bit and then dry lips for a few days.”
The lip treatment incorporating the Fotona SMOOTH modality Er:YAG—an innovative laser treatment widely used for non-invasive skin rejuvenation—was key to her pre-Christmas beauty refinement.
Deeming the treatment her absolute favourite, Harding gushed over its unmatched “lift and sculpt” effect. The zero-pain perspective coupled with instant results explaining, “the skin becomes tighter and more lifted, but also over the next few months, it continues to improve” were major selling points.
Footage shows the clinician wielding the device above Harding’s lips, a small red laser light accentuating her top lip’s volume twofold compared to her yet untreated lower lip. Despite the impending couple of days of dry lips, Harding admired the significant results and encouraged followers to try it too.
The Fontana laser procedure, employing a low-fluence laser pulse series, warms the skin mildly, stimulating collagen production. “With several adjusted passes the characteristics of ‘ideal lips’ can be attained such as fullness, volume, balanced upper and lower lips, and a well-defined vermilion border,” Skin to Heart’s official website claims.
Interestingly, the beauty industry paradigm appears to be shifting away from filler use. Kylie Jenner’s seeming lip filler removal has had a direct impact on increased numbers seeking similar treatments. Celebs like Ariana Grande are exploring non-invasive strategies for facial enhancement, opting for less rather than more. The desire to emulate celebrated personas has given way to an affordable imitation of beauty, bringing celebrities back to the drawing board in search of new, exceptional trends to keep themselves unique.
We’re moving closer to a reality where advanced technologies are replacing traditional aesthetics procedures, making cosmetic enhancement simpler and more accessible. Plastic surgeon extraordinaire, Dr Stephen Mulholland, predicts a rise in non-invasive lunchtime treatments among Australian women, marking a novel chapter in the quest for beauty.