Tag: Jokes

Joke: Woman Panics when..

A girlfriend and boyfriend walked into the girlfriend’s house and the girlfriend said to her mom, “Mom, me and my boyfriend are going up to my room”… It was three o’clock in the…

Joke: Children Tell All

The preacher was going for a dinner visit at the home of a family where the Dad was a member of the church but the mother was not. The mother was agreeable that her husband could…

Joke: Blonde Football

  A guy took his blonde girlfriend to a football game for the first time. After the game he asked his girlfriend how she liked the game. “Oh, I really liked it,” she said, “but I…

Joke: Think Again

Officer: You were speeding. Man: No, I wasn't. Officer: Yes, you were. I'm giving you a ticket. Man: But I wasn't speeding. Officer: Tell that to the judge! (The…

Joke: Catholic Shampoo

  Two nuns were shopping at a 7-11 store as they passed by the beer cooler, one nun said to the other, “wouldn’t a nice cool beer or two taste wonderful on a hot summer evening?”…