Tag: Jokes

Joke: Really? –

As he finished his sentence, he turned around to find that the man had followed and was standing right behind him, so the boy quickly added, “and this gentleman kindly offered to…

Joke: Teacher Jokes

1. “If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up” said the sarcastic teacher. After a long silence, one freshman rose to his feet. “Now then mister, why do you…

Joke: Educated Bear

Two hikers are walking up a mountain trail when a huge grizzly bear leaps out in front of them and roars. The first hiker gulps and sweats, frozen in fear; the other keeps his…

Joke: The last hotel

Late one evening a Marine pulled into a little town, only to find that every hotel room was taken. When he finally got to the last hotel, he pleaded to the manager, “You’ve got to…

Joke: I’m a WIFE –

Three guys and a lady were sitting at the bar talking about their professions.The first guy says, “I’m a YUPPIE. You know, young, urban, professional.”The second guy says, “I’m a…

Joke: Vacation Fun Times

Returning from her vacation, the young secretary was telling anyone who would listen about what a fun time she had. She then asked for two weeks leave in which to get married. “But…

Joke: Money Problems

A young man was having some money problems, and needed $200 to get his car fixed and road-worthy again. But had run out of people to borrow from. So, he calls his parents via the…