Tag: Jokes

Joke: A Blocking Fee

Two beefy men came to my house to install some new floor covering in the kitchen. Once they had moved the stove and refrigerator out of the way, it was not long before the job was…

Joke: Riding Horses

The cowpoke at the dude ranch was getting the crowd to pick the type horse they wanted. "For those seasoned riders, we have fast horses. For you novice riders, we have slow…

Joke: Why Did You Smash

A guy walks into a bar, orders a pint and a pork pie, downs his pint, puts the pork pie on his head and smashes it with his hand, then walks out, leaving the barman a little…

Joke: Physics Professor

A physics professor at a state university in Michigan was famous for his animated lectures. He was short and thin with wild white hair and an excited expression. In lectures, he…