The Ultimate Destination for Laughter, Memes, Jokes and Viral Sensations

Joke: The Lion And A Bull

A lion was stalking through the jungle one day when he came across a bull. The lion and the bull got into a tremendous battle, but in the end the lion killed the bull and ate him up. The lion was so…

Joke: Husband And Wife

Husband: Mom, called me and she is coming tomorrow, her train will reach by 4 O’ Clock.Wife: What! She came just 4 months back, right? Why is she coming now?Tomorrow is Sunday, I thought of getting up…

Joke: Funny Joke – 11 Minutes

A girlfriend and boyfriend walked into the girlfriend’s house and the girlfriend said to her mom, “Mom, me and my boyfriend are going up to my room”… It was three o’clock in the morning,… And the…