The Ultimate Destination for Laughter, Memes, Jokes and Viral Sensations

Joke: Johnny And Susie

Little Johnny and Susie, each five years old, were playing house. They both decided it was time to get married. So Little Johnny went to Susie’s dad to ask for her hand in marriage. “Where will you…

My landlord in USA said this bathing is normal? A főbérlőm az USA-ban azt mondta, hogy ez a fürdőzés normális? angol nyelvről fordítva.

Joke: The Lion And A Bull

A lion was stalking through the jungle one day when he came across a bull. The lion and the bull got into a tremendous battle, but in the end the lion killed the bull and ate him up. The lion was so…

Joke: Husband And Wife

Husband: Mom, called me and she is coming tomorrow, her train will reach by 4 O’ Clock.Wife: What! She came just 4 months back, right? Why is she coming now?Tomorrow is Sunday, I thought of getting up…