The Ultimate Destination for Laughter, Memes, Jokes and Viral Sensations

Joke: Blonde in store

  A blonde goes into a store and sees a shiny object on the shelf. She asks the clerk, “What is that shiny object? “The clerk replies, “That is a thermos. “The blonde then asks, “What does it do?” The…

Come inbox I am single from USA America . . #Beyonce #BradPitt #TomCruise #JohnnyDepp #LeonardoDiCaprio #WillSmith #AngelinaJolie #ScarlettJohansson #RobertDowneyJr #ChrisEvans #JenniferLawrence…

Joke: His Cross to Bear

Telling his grandson about his days as a Golden Gloves contestant, Max said, "The bell rang, and we met in the center of the ring. First he threw a left cross, then came the right cross."…

Joke: You’re just like Frank! –

A man walks out to the street and catches a taxi just going by. He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, “Perfect timing. You’re just like Frank.”Passenger: “Who?”Cabbie: “Frank Feldman. He’s a guy…

Joke: Retirement Party

The boss is finally old enough to retire from the company. On his last day of work, he ordered a farewell party for himself. The boss wanted everyone to express their good feeling about him by writing…