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Joke: What has 100 legs and 4 teeth? 50 members…

What has 100 legs and 4 teeth?

50-member women’s choir.

Joke: Uncle Székely travels with his wife, in a cart pulled by two donkeys

Suddenly, lightning strikes one of the donkeys.

What is Székely:


They continue with the chariot and the lightning strikes again.

Now to the other ass.

What is Székely:


Székely and his wife are already walking.

The lightning…

Full article: https://www.bikuci.hu/vicc-mi-az-100-laba-van-es-4-foga-50-tagu-3/

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Greetings! I'm Lisa Adams, the face behind a website that's all about laughter and exploration. My website is a place where you'll find funny pictures, amusing videos, and interesting articles/news about our world. Join me for a daily dose…

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