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Joke: One airplane pilot says to the other: – How about tonight…

One airplane pilot says to another:

“What would you say to a little drinking and girling in the evening?”

What is the other:

“Ah, not today.”

I’m dead tired, in the evening I just go and fall into bed!

Joke: The woman has been talking for five minutes, she doesn’t even let the doctor speak, she finally blurts out what her problem is:

“Dear doctor, my husband talks all the time in his sleep.”

“Let me sometimes…”

Full article: https://www.bikuci.hu/vicc-egyik-repulogep-pilota-mondja-a-masiknak-mit-szolnal-este-egy/

Greetings! I'm Lisa Adams, the face behind a website that's all about laughter and exploration. My website is a place where you'll find funny pictures, amusing videos, and interesting articles/news about our world. Join me for a daily dose…

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