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Joke: – How can you make light with water? – ??? – You have to get off with him…

“How can you make light with water?”

โ€“ ???

“You have to wash the window with it.”

Joke: In the guard room, police officers are talking about their recently deceased colleague:

“Well, this poor sergeant!”

– begins his best friend.

“His hand was broken in the morning, and he was dead by the evening.”

The other policemen look at each other’s words with wide eyes, because they don’t believe it all.


Full article: https://www.bikuci.hu/vicc-hogyan-lehet-vizzel-fenyt-csinalni-le-kell-vele/

Greetings! I'm Lisa Adams, the face behind a website that's all about laughter and exploration. My website is a place where you'll find funny pictures, amusing videos, and interesting articles/news about our world. Join me for a daily dose…

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