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Joke: A young man with a long beard and tousled hair takes off on the 7…

A long bearded man with tousled hair

young man gets on the 7 bus.

The driver jokes and says something

to him on the loudspeaker:

“Hey old man, what’s up in the jungle?”

What does the guy:

“Your mother didn’t say anything!”

He asks Mari

one of his girlfriends:

“In a separate room, really.”

are you sleeping

But then how

they lived h**as…

Full article: https://www.bikuci.hu/vicc-egy-hosszu-szakallas-tepett-haju-fiatalember-felszall-a-7-es-3/

Greetings! I'm Lisa Adams, the face behind a website that's all about laughter and exploration. My website is a place where you'll find funny pictures, amusing videos, and interesting articles/news about our world. Join me for a daily dose…

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