
Joke: A recently single woman buys a flashy new Corvette. She decides to…

A recently single woman buys a flashy new Corvette.

While driving it off the lot, she decides to take it on the highway and really open things up.

She hits the speed limit of 70 miles per hour and continues to accelerate.

75 miles per hour… 80 miles per hour…

And out of nowhere she hears a siren, and the flashing lights of a patrol car come into view of her rear-view mirror.

Thinking her new car could easily outrun the police, she speeds up further until she’s going well over 120 miles per hour.

But the cop is still in pursuit.

Realizing how stupid she is being, she slows down and pulls over.

The cop pulls in behind her, gets out and storms over to the car.

The woman is distraught and apologizes profusely.

She explains that she had just bought the car and made the dumbest mistake of her life.

Feeling pity, and it being at the end of his shift, the cop says that if the woman can make him laugh, he’ll let her go without reprimand.

Thinking for a moment, she responds, “Well, Sir, about a week ago, my husband left me for a Sheriff,”…

“I thought you were bringing him back!

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