Belonging to the extensive family of nearly 400 officially recognized varieties globally, dogs are indisputably the most diversified species. The astounding radiance of distinct breeds, however, can often lead to intriguing confusion. Observe a Spaniel, a Boxer, and a Pekingese side-by-side and the perceived similarities may leave you baffled. Rest assured, we are not here to burden you with the science of canine genetics but merely guide you through a fascinating journey of distinguishing seemingly identical dog breeds.
1Distinguishing Lhasa Apso and Shih Tzu
Lhasa Apso and Shih Tzu share a substantial portion of their ancestry, making their identification challenging. Many breed experts attribute the origin of the Shih Tzu to a union between the Lhasa Apso and various Chinese breeds like the Pekingese or Pugs. This hypothesis stems from the history of the Lhasa Apso being a beloved breed among Tibetan nobility and often gifted to royalty in China.
Does this make them indistinguishable? Not really. Barring the need for a microscope, a simple study of their facial features should reveal the differences. Lhasa Apsos showcase a slightly elongated snout compared to their counterparts. The texture of their coats also differs. While Shih Tzus boast a soft, silky covering, Lhasa Apsos have a firmer coat.
2Disambiguating Boxer and Cane Corso
Analysis of size and external attributes are key to differentiating between a Boxer and a Cane Corso. A Boxer, relatively smaller, exhibits a distinctive ‘undershot’ bite owing to its unusually extending lower jaw. In contrast, a Cane Corso exudes an imposing persona with its large and robust physique, characterized by drooping upper lips, covering the lower jawline.
3Pinpointing Pekingese and Japanese Chin
A flat-faced Pekingese and a delicate Japanese Chin may seem identically cute but don’t be fooled! The Pekingese, slightly larger in size, has a sturdier, compact body that contrasts markedly with the Japanese Chin’s refined and sophisticated appearance.
4Discerning Malamute and Siberian Husky
This duo often causes consternation among even seasoned dog lovers. A Malamute carries a large head with broadly spaced ears, contributing to its powerful mien. A Siberian Husky, on the other hand, showcases a lean body, long thin legs, and a down-curled tail — all indicative of its superior agility.
5Separating Rough Collie and Sheltie
The Rough Collie, larger and taller, carries a commanding presence owing to its elongated, sleek face. Against this, a smaller Sheltie, or Shetland Sheepdog, sports a shorter, wider head, giving it a puppy-like charm.
6Identifying French Bulldog and Boston Terrier
Featuring deep wrinkles and a stout, muscular body, the French Bulldog signifies robustness. The Boston Terrier, comparatively slender and refined, sports smoother cheeks and a flat forehead, distinguishing it from its French counterpart.
7Differentiating Pit Bull and Staffordshire Terrier
Next is the race between the agile Pit Bull and robust Staffordshire Terrier. An American Pit Bull is more lean and compact, while an American Staffordshire Terrier showcases a larger, muscular body with sturdy legs and a wide chest.
8Clarifying Bernese Mountain Dog and Australian Shepherd
A Bernese Mountain Dog, characterized by a large, somber head and a thick coat, is tailored for cold climates. An Australian Shepherd displays a comparatively lighter, athletic body with a medium-length, waterproof coat, ideal for various outdoor endeavors.
A recap of this fascinating journey of canine look-alikes undoubtedly adds to your knowledge about these adorable friends. To ensure their well-being, don’t miss our piece on dog massages – a real game-changer in carving a healthier and happier life for your four-legged companion.