A delightful video clip is winning over the internet community as it captures a charming dog dancing to his favorite song.
A noticeable number of pet owners have observed their dogs reacting adorably to music, providing endless entertainment for online viewers.
Although dogs are renowned for their sharp hearing abilities, decoding tones, pitches, and rhythms that might escape our auditory range, we’ve yet to understand how they perceive music.
An interpretation by Psychology Today suggests that “dogs may be as sagacious as humans concerning musical preference.” Research has also proven that music can influence dogs’ moods.
Classical music seems to have a soothing effect on dogs, while faster-beat genres like rock or pop may heighten their excitement. Much like us, individual dogs harbor their musical preferences. Beethoven or Billie Eilish—it varies from dog to dog.
Howling High Notes
Some furry social media celebrities bear an uncanny fondness for the country music tune “Tennessee Whiskey” by Chris Stapleton. Play the song, and they instantly transform into country music crooners.
In one amusing video, a Dachshund initially deep in sleep alerts at her human’s command: “Alexa play ‘Tennessee Whiskey’ by Chris Stapleton.”. The petite pooch then begins singing along, mimicking the singer remarkably well.
“The first note is all she needs,” writes the dog’s owner, before viewers get to witness the adorable doggy recital.
A second video dotes on a dog named Tank, who showcases his discerning ear for different songs. The owner first plays Cardi B’s music, but though Tank appears interested, his stringent musical taste leans elsewhere.
“Tank the Bully serenades to his favorite song, ‘Tennessee Whiskey’ by Chris Stapleton. He will only sing to this song!!! He’s not exactly Cardi B’s biggest fan haha,” the owner captions the video, which has garnered over 5.2 million views.
Netizens are amazed at how Tank appears to match the notes. “Man, there were a couple of times where he was right on key,” a fascinated viewer remarks.
Boppin’ to the Beat
In another adorable clip, a dutifully-stoic German Shepherd suddenly busts loose and starts grooving to the hip hop hit “Low” by Flo Rida and T-Pain.
Stationed in a car, the dog, rhythmically sways her ears in what looks like a delightful dance to the beat. There’s speculative chatter that the ear wiggles could be orchestrated by the unseen human companion, but the adorable display nonetheless charms viewers into euphoria.
“I love that it brings joy to people, even if someone is manipulating the dog’s ears. It’s a heartening sight,” says one viewer. Another bubble-living admirer hilariously implores, “I thoroughly enjoyed this and choose to believe the dog is just that talented! So, let me live in my blissful delusion.”
“Who cares if it’s not genuine? It’s hilarious,” remarks another amused viewer, and yet another adds, “Love when the human gets the neck massage just right!”
Have you noticed similar reactions from your dogs to different music genres? Do share your fascinating experiences with us – let’s strike a chord of connection through our lovable canines!