
A Remarkable Display of Compassion: When a Gorilla Rescued a Child

In the tumultuous world we live in, there arise instances that emphasize the profound connection we share with all living beings. The action of Binti Jua, a 160-pound female gorilla at the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois, is one such unique moment that has won over millions of hearts.

A Hero Emerges from the Unlikeliest Places

In the heat of the summer of ’96, a day at the zoo transformed into a horrendous experience for a 3-year-old boy. As he climbed a barrier enclosing the gorilla habitat, the boy tragically fell 25 feet onto the ground, causing severe injuries.

The horrified screams of his mother and the visitors echoed around the zoo, while inside the enclosure seven massive primates observed with interest. Among them was Binti Jua.

Jeff Bruno, Captain of Kankakee Fire Department, who was present at the scene, vividly remembers the incident and Binti Jua’s awe-inspiring actions. In the ensuing panic, Binti Jua calmly approached the unconscious boy whose fall had resulted in him fainting.

Bruno and his brother-in-law, who captured the astonishing rescue on a running camera, witnessed Binti Jua’s maternal instincts spring into action. Despite the uncertain circumstances, Binti Jua took the child in her arms, protecting him, all the while her own baby—Koola—clung to her back.

Decisive Actions from Zoo Staff

The staff of the zoo utilized a hose to deter the other gorillas while Binti Jua placed the boy near the exhibit entrance and retreated, providing a safe passage for the zookeepers and medics to get the boy.

The intriguing behavior of Binti Jua triggered a global fascination, turning what could have been a tragic event into an amazing tale of empathy and compassion. The storyline of the compassionate gorilla rescuing a human child spread rapidly, influencing a surge of visitors to the zoo wishing to witness her caring nature firsthand.

Binti Jua received special recognition—the ‘Hero of the Year’ award by ‘Newsweek’ and inclusion amongst the ‘Most Intriguing People’ by People magazine.

Her act wasn’t just the result of zoo training, it was a manifestation of a deeper sense of empathy, a sentiment experts like primatologist Frans de Waal interprets as authentic animal altruism. This further demonstrated that the desire to care, protect and nurture transcends species.

The Ensuing Debate

The incident led to a debate amongst experts regarding the cause of Binti Jua’s behavior. Was it the result of the careful training she received from the zoo or an innate sense of empathy?

Binti Jua was hand-raised by humans as she was abandoned by her mother at birth. She was taught to take care of infant gorillas and how to bring her own offspring to zoo personnel for routine checks.

Gorillas, often perceived as monstrous due to their formidable physical features, are widely misunderstood, primarily due to cinema portrayals. However, incidents like Binti Jua’s heroic feat, as well as a similar episode involving another gorilla, Jambo, at the Jersey Zoo, challenge these stereotypes, revealing their gentler and compassionate side.

The Child Binti Jua Saved

Little information is known about the boy who was saved that day, as his identity was kept private at his parents’ request. Initial reports indicated that he was in critical condition but was expected to recover fully.

The toddler suffered from head injuries, a broken hand, and multiple abrasions but was reported to be doing considerably well in the days following the incident.

In an era where division and conflict seem to surround us, Binti Jua’s story serves as a beautiful reminder that kindness can originate from the most unlikely sources. Her actions, instinctive and gracious, are a testament to empathy being an essential part of all living beings.

The incredible story of a gorilla named Binti Jua resonates with love, compassion, and the understanding that we are all intertwined in ways beyond our comprehension.

To Know More

Revel in the beauty of this incredible rescue and share Binti Jua’s story to keep the discussion of our connection with nature alive.

Binti Jua

Binti Jua in 2005 / Getty Images

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