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Joke: The doctor examines an old uncle:- You…

The doctor examines an old uncle:

“You are in excellent health, there is nothing wrong with you.”

Do you have any questions?

“Yes, Doctor.”

When I go to bed with my wife, I get really hot and sweaty, and when we do it again, I get cold and chills.

The doctor also examines the wife, she is also healthy.

She tells him about her husband’s strange problem,…

Full article: https://www.bikuci.hu/vicc-egy-idos-bacsit-vizsgal-az-orvos-maga/

Greetings! I'm Lisa Adams, the face behind a website that's all about laughter and exploration. My website is a place where you'll find funny pictures, amusing videos, and interesting articles/news about our world. Join me for a daily dose…

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