
Joke: Five For the Duck Call

A man is shopping for a fishing pole at a small fishing and hunting shop; he chooses the largest fishing pole and goes to pay, upon which noticing that the shop owner is blind.

“Pardon me, sir,” he asks.

“How much is your largest fishing pole?”

“Ten dollars,” the shop owner replies.

“Thank you,” the man says.

As he reaches for his wallet, the man accidentally knocks the fishing pole off of the counter; as he bends over to pick it up, he farts loudly and embarrassingly.

The man slowly stands up with his face bright red, thankful there were no other shoppers in the store and hoping the store owner didn’t notice.

As the man places the money on the counter, the store owner says, “That will be twenty dollars, please.”

The man looks perplexed.

“But I thought it was only ten dollars.”

“That’s ten for the fishing pole,” the store owner replies.

“Five for the duck call and five for the stink bait.”

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