
Joke: Jed and Margaret lived a simple life



Jed and Margaret lived a simple life

Jed and Margaret lived a simple life on their small farm.

One day Margaret woke up to the smell of pancakes, and rushed down for breakfast.


Morning Maj, howโ€™d ya sleep?


Great, thanks for the breakfast!

Maj ate her breakfast happily, Jed by her side.

After she finished she went to excuse herself


Thanks again for breakfast!

Iโ€™m going to go feed the horses now!


All 24?



Maj brought out an appropriate amount of carrots, but unfortunately stepped on one of the horseโ€™s hooves.

It kicked backwards really hard, sending her sailing!

Her husband had just left the house to help her out, but when he realized what happened he couldnโ€™t believe his eyes Jed:

Holy crap!

24 carrot Maj-is in the air!

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